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Young Carers

At Linslade, we define a Young Carer as anyone who:

  • Regularly looks after a family member who has a serious illness, disability, mental illness or substance misuse problem.  This person may be a sibling, a parent or a member of their extended family.
  • We also recognise that children and young people may also have additional caring responsibilities in the shorter term e.g. when a family member is in hospital or receiving treatment over a period of time.

When a child or young person looks after someone in their home or extended family on a long term or temporary basis, he or she may need extra support and understanding in order to gain the most from their time at school. However, we also recognise that Young Carers have a right to privacy and will listen to and respect the individual Young Carers’ views about the extent to which they would like to be supported – be this great or small.

If you feel that your child may be a young carer please contact our pastoral team to discuss further on safeguarding@linsladeac.co.uk. You can also read more on the central bedfordshire young carers early help offer here