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Committed to excellent standards of teaching in partnership with a variety of local and national organisations contributing towards system-wide improvement.

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GSO Test

Parental Support

Help and advice


Website: www.nspcc.org.uk 
Adult helpline: 0808 800 5000
Young person's helpline (Childline): 0800 1111


Website: www.childline.org.uk

Family Lives

Online advice and information on all aspects of family life with support groups/workshops.
Free 24-hour confidential helpline: (08088) 002222
Website: www.familylives.org.uk

Relate for parents and families

Useful information and advice for parents, or anymore in a family to help with the most important relationships – the ones you have with your family.
Website: www.relateforparents.org.uk

Dad talk

An online community where you can share ideas, find out information and talk about the issues of being a dad.
Website: www.dadtalk.co.uk

Marie Collins

The Marie Collins Foundation is the UK charity enabling children who suffer sexual abuse and exploitation via internet and mobile technologies to recover and live safe, fulfilling lives.
Website: www.mariecollinsfoundation.org.uk


A social networking site connecting parents with each other with help from experts on specific issues through private on-line messages or conversations.
Website: www.netmums.com

Families United Network/Family Voice

Offers support to Bedfordshire families who have a child with a disability, special need or additional needs.
Website: www.familiesunitednetwork.co.uk

Shelf Help Reading Well

The Reading Well books have been chosen by young people and health experts to help you with difficult feelings and experiences that can affect your wellbeing.  The books have information and advice as well as personal stories about dealing with anxiety, depression or stress and experiences such as bullying.  

Website: www.reading-well.org.uk

School Nursing Service

The  5-19 School Nursing Service works in partnership with children, young  people and their families in Bedfordshire to ensure that children’s health and wellbeing needs are supported within their school and their community. They lead on the delivery of the 5-19 Healthy Child Programme and play a key role in addressing public health issues such as emotional health and wellbeing, sexual health, obesity and other health related issues.
Website: www.sept.nhs.uk/our-services/bedfordshire-and-luton/bedfordshire-community-health-services/childrens/school-nursing-service/


It's hard to be a teen.We knew this when we established TeenIssues and recruited experts on all matters teen-related to contribute to the site.It is our hope that TeenIssues can address all of the perils and pitfalls that come with being a teen, and become the premier resource offering teens interesting features, practical advice, and basic answers to all of their own questions.
Website: www.teenissues.co.uk



Website: www.bullying.co.uk

Anti-bullying Alliance (ABA)

Brings together more than 65 organisations with the aim of reducing bullying and creating safer environments in which children and young people can live, grow, play and learn. 
Website: www.anti-bullying.org


Beatbullying is the leading bullying prevention charity in the UK and provides anti- bullying resources, information, advice and support for young people, parents and professionals affected by bullying. 
Website: www.beatbullying.org.uk


Bedford Open Door 

Website: www.bedfordopendoor.org.uk

CHUMS Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing Service

Tel: 01525 863924
Website: www.chums.uk.com


Website: www.hear2listen.org.uk

Relate Bedfordshire and Luton 

Website: www.relatebedsandluton.org.uk

Sorted Counselling Services 

Tel: 01582 891435 appointments (Mon-Thur)
Email: admin.sorted@talktalk.net

Online Safety

Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP) 

Website: www.ceop.police.uk

Internet Watch Foundation 

Website: www.iwf.org.uk

National Online Safety

#WakeUpWednesday Children are using smart devices from a much younger age than ever before. Therefore it’s essential we talk to our children about how to use them safely. There are many positive benefits to the new technology at our disposal these days – but there are plenty of downsides too. As a parent or carer, it’s important you understand these risks and how you can take steps to protect your family against them.
Website: https://nationalonlinesafety.com


Child Centered Policy. An initiative from colleagues in West Mercia who have produced a range of materials aimed to promote self-help and signpost support for families and young people around cyberbullying.
Child Centered Policy


Website: www.thinkuknow.co.uk

Drugs and Alcohol services


Website: www.adfam.org.uk


Website: aquarius.org.uk

National Drugs Helpline (FRANK)

Tel: 0800 776 600 (24 hrs free advice)
Website: www.talktofrank.com

NHS choices 

Website: www.nhs.uk


Family Friends of Lesbian and Gays (FFLAG) 

Website: www.fflag.org.uk


The lesbian, gay and bisexual charity. 
Website: www.stonewall.org.uk

Educational Action Challenging Homophobia (EACH)

Educational Action Challenging Homophobia (EACH) is a charity and training agency helping people and organisations affected by homophobia. The website gives guidance, contact details and a freephone helpline. 
Website: www.eachaction.org.uk

Mental health


Website: www.chums.uk.com


Mencap is a learning disability charity that provides information and support to children and adults with a learning disability, and to their families and carers. 
Website: www.bedfordmencap.org.uk or www.mencap.org.uk


Dedicated to finding and addressing the sources of mental health problems.
Website: www.mentalhealth.org.uk


Prevention of Young Suicide
Website: www.papyrus-uk.org 


Rethink Mental Illness helps millions of people affected by mental illness by challenging attitudes and changing lives.
Tel: 0845 456 0455
Website: www.rethink.org

Young Minds 

YoungMinds is the UK’s leading charity committed to improving the emotional wellbeing and mental health of children and young people.
Young person’s helpline: 020 7336 8445
Parent helpline: 0808 8025 544
Website: www.youngminds.org.uk


Autism Bedfordshire 

Website: www.autismbedfordshire.net

Bedford and District Cerebral Palsy Society

Website: www.bdcps.org.uk

British Institute of Learning Disabilities

Website: www.bild.org.uk


Website: www.cerebra.org.uk


Website: www.changepeople.co.uk

Disabled Living Foundation 

Website: www.drcbeds.org.uk

Foundation for People with Learning Disabilities 

Website: www.learningdisabilities.org.uk

Learning Disability 

Website: www.learningdisability.co.uk


Mencap is a learning disability charity that provides information and support to children and adults with a learning disability, and to their families and carers. 
Website: www.bedfordmencap.org.uk or www.mencap.org.uk

National People First 

Website: www.peoplefirstltd.com

On Track Education Services Ltd

Website: www.ontrackeducationservices.co.uk

Really Flexible Care 

Website: www.reallyflexiblecare.co.uk

Remploy (employment opportunities) 

Website: www.remploy.co.uk

12 The Disability Resource Centre

Website: www.drcbeds.co.uk

The National Autistic Society 

Website: www.autism.org.uk