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Behaviour and Expectations

Behaviour for learning is the behaviour that a student needs in order to learn effectively and make great progress.

In a classroom, behaviour for learning is the active engagement of students, where they are stretched and challenged academically, but through learnt resilience and a positive growth mind set enjoy and achieve due to their focus, efforts and participation.

At Linslade we promote an ethos of good behaviour through regular praise and rewards.  We believe that celebrating successes and normalising good behaviour is a great motivational tool to create the positive learning environment we achieve.

While we reward good behaviour, we will challenge and sanction poor behaviour.  We take time to explain sanctions to students and facilitate restorative conversations to enable students to move on in a positive manner with their learning.

Behaviour is monitored electronically through Epraise and staff monitor the system on a weekly basis. This information is instrumental in the feedback students receive from tutors and Head of Key Stage who will reward positive behaviour and sanction poor behaviour.

5 steps to Behaviour

Linslade School expects that students will display outstanding behaviour by the following;

To speak respectfully to others by:

  • Speaking politely to other students
  • Thinking before you speak
  • Using appropriate language – foul or abusive language, including racially abusive language will never be tolerated at Linslade

To behave respectfully to others by:

  • Using language and behaviour that would not encourage bullying (e.g. excluding anyone from a group, name calling, physical contact)
  • Wearing school uniform correctly, with pride both in and out of school
  • Modelling good manners and integrity at all times
  • Showing consideration in the corridors
  • Holding doors open for other people
  • Moving around school in a sensible, thoughtful and responsible way
  • Queuing quietly and in an orderly manner
  • Respecting other students’ space and possessions

To respect the school environment by:

  • Recycling where possible
  • Putting litter in the bins provided
  • Looking after and having pride in your school environment
  • Keeping the school tidy, clean
  • Reporting any damage to a member of staff
  • Making sure you are in the right place at the right time, including at lunchtimes
  • Eating and drinking only in the designated area
  • Not bringing chewing gum onto the school site. Chewing gum is banned from the school site.


This is a serious sanction and is used for students where one behaviour or a series of behaviours causes great concern and warrants their removal from the classroom.

Students are isolated from 8.45-3.30pm and have to complete work to an acceptable standard. Students work in isolation away from their peers and complete work that they would complete in the classroom. During this time, reflection work is completed with the Pastoral team to support students in making better choices in the future.

Fixed term suspension

There are a range of reasons why a fixed term suspension may be issued to a student. 

The full guidance on this is found in the Behaviour policy on our school website.





Stage 1 (All Staff)

Every day achievements: E.g.

·         Good work/effort.

·         Improvement.

·         Achieving targets.

·         Maintaining consistent standards.

·         Positive attitude.

·         Supporting others.

·         Verbal praise

·         Achievement Point

·         Displaying good work

·         Stickers/stamps

·         Classroom rewards

·         Note in planner

·         Letter, phone call or postcard home.

Stage 2 (Heads of Subject)

Repeated everyday achievements or a single major achievement E.g.

·         Consistent good work/effort/behaviour.

·         Achieving targets.

·         Significant progress.

·         Contribution to school life.

As above plus:

·         Departmental postcard

·         Letter home from Head of Subject.

·         Potential for departmental privileges

e.g trips/visits/activities.

Stage 3

(Heads of Year)

Repeated departmental level achievement or a significant extracurricular achievement. E.g.

·         Excellent attendance and punctuality.

·         Consistently good behaviour.

·         Helping others.

·         Charity fund raising.

·         Contributions to form and year group.

As above plus:

·         Letter from Head of Year.

·         Celebration of achievements/ contribution via assembly

·         Certificates

·         Year awards

Stage 4 (SLT/Assistant Headteacher)

Exceptional work or a significant extra- curricular achievement. E.g.

·         Praise at the end of a term/year.

·         Leadership.

·         Outstanding work.

·         Significant contribution to school life or the wider community.

As above plus:

·         Golden Ticket

·         Invitation to Hot chocolate with the Head.

·         Celebration in assembly and/or via the school

For further details about behaviour for learning at Linslade School, please refer to our Behaviour policy

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