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GSO Test


Academic Achievement

End of Key Stage 2 SATS results

Percentage of pupils achieving the expected standard 2022 2023 2024
Linslade National Linslade National Linslade National
Reading 81% 74% 79% 73% 80% 74%
Maths 80% 71% 80% 73% 84% 73%
Grammar 80% 72% 71% 72% 74% 72%
Writing 71% 69% 86% 71% 86% 81%
Reading, writing and maths combined 62% 59% 66% 59% 72% 61%


Average Scaled score 2022 2023 2024
Linslade National Linslade National Linslade National
Reading 106 105 106 105 106 105
Maths 105 104 105 104 106 104
Grammar 106 105 104 105 105 105


GL Assessment data

Linslade uses GL Assessment Progress tests to track pupils' progress over time.

They are age appropriate tests which test various skills to provide a standard age score (SAS). The average score is 100 and represents age related expectations. The tables below show the average SAS of pupils at Linslade School for each age related test. As you will see, our pupils are largely above average and make good progress over the four years.

Pupils are tested on entry to the school in Year 5 and then at the end of each academic year.


Current Y5
Current Y6
Current Y7
Current Y8
Current Y9
PTE 9 103 102 105 104 108
PTE 10 103 105 104 104
PTE 11 106 107 108
PTE 12 99 102
PTE 13 105


Current Y5
Current Y6
Current Y7
Current Y8
Current Y9
PTM 9 102 99 103 100 N/A
PTM 10 103 107 104 107
PTM 11 103 103 104
PTM 12 101 106
PTM 13 105

How our current pupils performed on their latest progress tests.


PTE Summer 2024 (test 9 autumn 2024)
SAS Bands <74 74-81 82-88 89-96 97-103 104-111 112-118 119-126 126+
National Average 4% 7% 12% 17% 20% 17% 12% 7% 4%
PTE 9 (cohort 2024-2028) Y5 1% 6% 3% 18% 28% 22% 10% 8% 5%
PTE10 (cohort 2023-2027) Y6 1% 7% 11% 14% 17% 18% 15% 9% 6%
PTE 11 (cohort 2022-2026) Y7 2% 7% 4% 10% 17% 26% 17% 10% 8%
PTE 12 (cohort 2021-2025) Y8 7% 3% 18% 20% 14% 17% 6% 11% 5%
PTE 13 (cohort 2020-2024) Summer leavers 3% 5% 7% 14% 16% 19% 17% 11% 8%
PTM Summer 2024 (test 9 autumn 2024)
SAS Bands <74 74-81 82-88 89-96 97-103 104-111 112-118 119-126 126+
National Average 4% 7% 12% 17% 20% 17% 12% 7% 4%
PTM 9 (cohort 2024-2028) Y5 4% 6% 9% 17% 17% 21% 8% 10% 6%
PTM10 (cohort 2023-2027) Y6 3% 10% 7% 16% 16% 20% 12% 7% 10%
PTM 11 (cohort 2022-2026) Y7 2% 4% 12% 13% 16% 22% 17% 10% 2%
PTM 12 (cohort 2021-2025) Y8 3% 8% 5% 19% 20% 27% 8% 4% 5%
PTM 13 (cohort 2020-2024) Summer leavers 0% 6% 8% 7% 20% 30% 19% 8% 2%